Book Review | Otherworld by Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller

Title: Otherworld

Author: Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller

Series: Last Reality #1

Age: Young Adult

Genres: Sci-Fi

Publication Date: October 31, 2017 (republished Oct 2, 2018)

Publisher: Ember

Source: Paperback

Purchase: Hardcover | Paperback | Kindle | Audible 

New York Times bestselling authors Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller imagine a world in which you can leave your body behind and give in to your greatest desires in the first book in a fast-paced trilogy perfect for fans of the hit HBO show Westworld and anyone interested in the terrifying possibilities of the future of technology.

That's how Otherworld traps you. It introduces you to sensations you'd never be able to feel in real life. You discover what's been missing--because it's taboo or illegal or because you lack the guts to do it for real. And when you find out what's missing, it's almost impossible to let it go again.

There are no screens. There are no controls. You don't just see and hear it--you taste, smell, and touch it too. In this new reality, there are no laws to break or rules to obey. You can live your best life. Indulge every desire.

This is Otherworld--a virtual reality game so addictive you'll never want it to end. And Simon has just discovered that for some, it might not.

The frightening future that Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller have imagined is not far away. Otherworld asks the question we'll all soon be asking: if technology can deliver everything we want, how much are we willing to pay?

My Rating: 

Favorite Quotes:
"Nothing real can be perfect." - Clay Man

"I don't want someone who was made for me. I want a real person to choose me." - Simon

My Thoughts:
This book was quiet an interesting mix of sci-fi and fantasy. I loved the family drama, friendships, romance and world-building. This had a few gory scenes that I quiet enjoyed. Otherworld and White City were two amazing places with some bad situations going on. The writing was very humorous, but I just could not connect with the characters in this story. I originally planned on a 3 star rating, but the humor made me laugh so I had to give it a 4 star rating instead.

Simon is an 18 year old gamer and he has played Otherworld as a beta player. I enjoyed the humor he bought to the story. He had a very nonchalant attitude about things and was almost childish. I will say, I loved how he stood up for his beliefs. I loved seeing his growth in maturity as the story progressed and things got real in Otherworld. Simon is one of those characters you can love, but also can forget at the same time. There is nothing truly remarkable about him that makes him stand out. I did enjoy him though.

Kat was a strong girl. She shoulder a lot on her own and tried to keep Simon safe. I didn't like her at first, but after she kissed him before the accident I began to understand that there was more to her than she was letting on. She's funny and kick-ass.

The romance was adorable. This was not a heavy romance, but it was just too adorable between Kat and Simon. They both loved one another, but never said a thing until the end. I loved it. Especially their few kisses.

Wayne is the worse step-father and vile man on earth. The things he did for "progression" and money pissed me off. I can't believe how much of an egotistical bastard he was. I knew I didn't like him at the beginning with how he threatened Simon, but wow...I never truly saw that ending coming. I can't stand him.

Milo is a little boy mentally and a man physically. I thought Milo was this ruthless man this whole time, but that ending gutted me. I didn't expect it. I wish there was more interaction with Milo in the story, so I hope there is more about him in the sequel.

I enjoyed all of the secondary characters such as Busara, Carole, Gorog, Marlow and Martin. They all had a unique part to play to the story-line and to the growth of Simon. Great cast of characters.

The Children of Otherworld were savages. I mean, killing guests to protect themselves and not caring about their lives. As a game they were great characters, but for those who were real it was insane. I loved the different type of mythical and elemental creatures within this game. It made for some cool action and drama. I think the goats and the monkeys were by far my favorite children because they were truly mischievous.

Otherworld was quiet interesting. I loved the idea of having a virtual world fit for your own desires -- though I think it's dangerous. I loved the different realms and the way it catered to the different players and people who went to Otherworld. Though it was game the description and interactions within the world made it all feel real. The concept of some people entering the game to play and others entering the game in reality was insane. I think that was definitely a unique aspect to this story.

Overall, I am interested to see how it continues on in the sequel after that interesting cliff-hanger.

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