Tome Topple Round 8 Readathon TBR

Hey Book nerds, Nay here!

Today I want to talk about the Tome Topple readathon. This is round 8. I have always wanted to participate in this readathon, but never caught on in enough time. This time I did!!! Yay me (happy dance and disco lights).
Tome Topple is created and hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes. The Co-Host for this readathon are: Adriana from Perpetual Pages, Sarah-Jane from The Book Life, Sian from Readers Rambles, Caz from Little Book Owl and Sam from Will Read for Booze.

Tome Topple is a two-week readathon that takes place from midnight on Saturday, April 13th to 11:59pm on Friday, April 26th. Follow the Tome Topple twitter account for updates. Join the Goodreads group for awesome book suggestions!

The main objective of Tome topple is to read Tomes which are books over 500 pages. Challenges are apart of the readathon, but they are not required. You can read as little or as much as you want:
The whole point of this readathon is to read big books over 500 pages. You don’t even need to read a lot of them. You don’t even need to finish one. The point is that we are all reading those big daunting books at the same time and supporting each other.
So in essence, you are tackling those over-sized, thick books you've been wanting to read, but were afraid of the page count.

There will be Instagram challenges as well over on Sam's IG account, so look out for that. I'll try to partake in those as much as possible.

The Challenges
  1. Read more than 1 tome
  2. Read the tome that has been on your TBR the longest
  3. Read a tome that is part of a series
  4. Read a tome in a genre you don’t usually read
  5. Read an adult novel
Let's talk about my TBR pile now...
Even though Sabriel isn't 500 pages long, it's 491 pages, but I'm still counting it as a tome. It's one I've heard mixed things about and definitely want to try and get to.

For me the tie for longest on my shelf was Lies of Locke Lamora, A Discovery of Witches and Sabriel. They've been on my TBR list since 2014. However the one that one is A Discovery of Witches which I added March 2014 to my Goodreads TBR. 

I'm opting to go for six books, but my goal is to at least finish two to three of these books. I do plan to listen to the audiobook with these to make the experience more fun and quicker to get through. I find with bigger fantasy novels I enjoy listening to the audio as I readalong. I do listen on a speed of either 2.5x or 3x...yes I love listening on triple speed.

What's on your TBR for Tome Topple Round 8?